6 Benefits of a Doorman That Provides Security Services for Your Apartment Building

Article At A Glance

  • A doorman strengthens security, attracts high-paying tenants, and improves safety in an apartment building.
  • The doorman renders package delivery services and administrative duties within the building.
  • A professional doorman keeps your apartment building’s reputation intact.

Do you run an apartment building? Are you looking to attract more residents or buff up security? The benefits of acquiring high-quality doorman security services might surprise you. 

Below, the Stark Security Inc. experts list six benefits of signing up for a doorman building service to attract high-paying tenants. The team also covers how these services can take your apartment building to the next level.

#1 Package Delivery Doorman Services for Great Value

One overlooked benefit of an apartment doorman is the security they provide for a straightforward package delivery situation. Apartment buildings notoriously attract package thieves without a secure locker system. With concierge security guards monitoring all deliveries 24/7, the apartment building’s residents can relax.

A doorman also frees up the schedule for possible deliveries. There’s nothing worse than waiting at home all day to sign for an important package that may or may not arrive. Life can move on with a doorman available to sign for those packages.

#2 Someone Qualified to Help You Stay Safe and More

One of the most underrated benefits of doorman service providers is the scope for these roles. Some doormen will restrict their services to basic security duties. However, many others offer a comprehensive concierge security service, including the following:

Polite Services That Don’t Compromise Protection

Depending on their other duties, the security staff might also open doors for your residents, carry heavy packages, or hail taxis. At the very least, they greet every person entering or leaving your building, establishing a positive and professional environment that monitors foot traffic flow.

A doorman’s basic security duties always come first, so they may deny any request that seems excessive (like walking your dog). However, a well-trained professional will balance security duties with high-quality concierge services wherever possible.

Scheduling and Administration Extras for Convenient Support

Another primary duty of a front desk doorman might be handling scheduling and administration within the building. For example, they could prevent the double booking of event rooms, schedule building repairs, or answer calls from tenants, guests, and contractors.

Enforcing Building Rules for a Smoother Operation

Has someone parked in the wrong spot? A professional doorman that doubles as a security presence can correct the situation. If you want someone to enforce rules or ensure the lobby or common areas stay calm and clean, hire a doorman service and give the building management personnel time to focus on other duties.

#3 Additional Security with a Visible Presence

The most obvious benefit of a doorman security service is the additional protection they provide. They screen every visitor and service provider entering the building, ensuring they can enter and keeping everyone safe. If your residents receive an unwanted guest, a doorman can also help.

On a night shift, these professionals can patrol the entire building to confirm that no doors have been compromised and nothing seems suspicious. They can also monitor security cameras and call for backup or emergency services.

#4 An Aspect of Luxury That Prospective Tenants Appreciate

Employing quality doorman services bestows an air of luxury into any apartment building to make the residents feel like they’ve moved up a notch in life. When they inform friends and family about having a doorman, the snippet has a certain sense of pride. They might even be willing to commit to higher rental payments for a secure building worth its weight in golden cufflinks.

You may notice the difference in your online reviews! In all seriousness, hiring a team of doormen requires a cost commitment. But this sense of luxury certainly offers a return on your investment as the building becomes more attractive to potential tenants.

#5 Better Value and Welfare for Residents and Employees

The right doorman is security dressed to the nines, especially if properly trained. With a well-equipped doorman present, vulnerable adults and children in your building can feel safer during an emergency or going about their days. For elderly individuals, the security team might even facilitate wellness checks to confirm they’re healthy and safe in their apartments. 

While they’re not babysitters, a trustworthy doorman can verify the safety of any child or pet left home alone. They also provide crucial support during emergencies or when a resident needs an ambulance and emergency services can’t access the building or apartment. So, when you hire a doorman, no resident will need to worry about the “what ifs.”

#6 Professional-level Communication for Great Brand Image

The simplest benefit a doorman provides is consistent communication to benefit the building owner, staff, and residents. They function as a central communications hub, whether contacting a manager with important information or service needs or coordinating maintenance and cleaning personnel. 

Your tenants will also appreciate the polite and professional greeting they receive whenever they enter or exit the building. A friendly doorman will carry on polite conversation with residents and their guests, which helps them take note of when these tenants act unusually or need support. 

A security-conscious doorman also provides essential support to your building’s visitors. They will engage in conversation to make the visitor feel welcome and direct them to the correct apartment. They will also run interference with unwanted guests, answer questions about the area’s best sights to visit, and more to keep your apartment building’s reputation intact.


Frequently Asked Questions About Doorman Security Services

A team like Stark Security Inc. hears many queries regarding personal security services, doormen, and other security guards. Here are some of the most popular questions:

How Much Do Doorman Services Cost?

Several factors affect how much you’ll pay for doorman security services. The expense tends to increase with the following considerations:

  • How many security professionals do you need?
  • Which shifts do you need to cover? Night shifts cost more.
  • Do you want the doorman to perform duties not in the usual job description?
  • Will you need a more specialized security focus?

Your building’s location also matters as dangerous neighborhoods could cost more to man. A team like Stark Security Inc. would be happy to discuss your needs and provide an accurate quote on these essential services.

How Many Security Employees Will I Need?

Some apartments adequately serve their residents with only a single doorman working during peak hours. They provide the most basic functions, including being available to greet tenants and visitors. However, if you want to ensure safety and access around the clock, you’ll need a team to cover the night shifts, fill in during sick leave, work on holidays, and provide extra services during busy times or special events.

While each employee adds to your overall cost, many reputable companies like Stark Security Inc. provide bundling to make these comprehensive services more affordable.

Are There Any Safety Concerns with a Doorman?

No, you don’t need to worry about safety concerns when you hire doorman security. These individuals or teams will increase the overall safety of your building. They will also care for your tenants and guests.

For example, each Stark Security Inc. employee undergoes rigorous training, background checks, and professional development to ensure the highest safety and security standards.

Are These Specialized Doormen Armed?

While most doormen do not carry guns, their training means they will seek to de-escalate situations. They will always contact emergency services if things become dangerous.

Call Stark Security Inc. for All Your Security Needs!

Hire a doorman security service if you want a safe apartment building and happy residents. Even the most basic security service offers an excellent return on investment beyond the fact that you can charge a little more rent.

Take your apartment building to the next level—call Stark Security Inc. at 1-877-70STARK (78275) today! We can provide all your security needs, whether that’s a camera installation, a doorman, or anything else you need to stay safe.

About The Author




With over a decade in law enforcement and 27 years of corporate leadership, the founder of Stark Security, Brandon Sartor, and the employees uphold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, compassion, and professionalism.

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