Why You Need to Hire a Security Guard for a Construction Site

Article At A Glance

  • With a security guard service, you can safely secure your building site.
  • A professional security guard ensures that safety protocols are being followed on-site.
  • This investment reduces on-site liability and saves time and money, making it crucial for the success of construction projects

Do you run a construction site? Commonly, these sites find themselves constantly dealing with accidents, vandalism, and theft. Employing a security guard service could be the solution if you want to witness your damages and liability decrease!

Keep reading to discover the nine benefits of hiring a competent guard service to watch over your construction site, as the Stark Security Inc. experts shared.

Option 1: Choosing Armed Security Guards for Construction Sites Offers Versatility

Many companies provide highly trained guards qualified to carry guns, tasers, or batons. They offer an increased level of security and responsiveness. However, only you can decide if you need armed guards. 

They’re well-trained, but you don’t want your workers to feel uneasy. What does your construction site need to feel like a safe working environment?

Option 2: Unarmed Security Guards Still Offer Excellent Value for Money

The second option is to choose unarmed security guards. They don’t carry guns. However, depending on their company and level of training, these teams might still use tasers or clubs. 

This is an excellent solution if you want the essential services of armed security without the uneasiness many people feel around firearms.

Value-Add Services to Consider for Your Security Package

Does the security company you’re talking to offer these basic services? The details reflect the quality of the services you’re hiring.

  • Emergency intervention. Professional security guards should receive training to prevent and manage emergencies. This includes first aid that can sustain an injured worker until emergency responders arrive.
  • De-escalation. When tensions rise, or criminals emerge, a competent security guard will attempt to resolve the situation before using force. 
  • Evidence handling. Even with the best-trained security force, crime still happens. A professional guard will know the proper way to gather and handle evidence.
  • Communication monitoring. Guards are well-versed in monitoring and communication technology and responsive in handling operations and problems.
  • Security measures. Good security knows how to systematically patrol, observe potential dangers, and secure the area against intruders.

If you’re looking for a security company whose guards need to possess this basic level of training or capability, look elsewhere!

9 Benefits of Hiring a Security Guard

When you employ construction site security, you’ll gain the following benefits.

#1 Theft Prevention Offers Better Coverage and Profitability

Thieves can’t resist an unguarded construction site, from expensive equipment and specialized machinery to valuable resources like copper. These sites are potential gold mines, even with proper surveillance and protection from barbed wire. With an on-site security service, you can secure your building site and avoid financial damages from missing or stolen equipment and materials.

#2 Security Deters Loitering and Trespassing for Safer Workplaces

People loiter at construction sites leaving litter, damaging property, or hurting themselves, which leaves you in a potential legal quandary. Many contractors also find it difficult to bar unwanted guests from the site. With multiple entrances, a flurry of activity, and workers constantly coming and going, it’s nearly impossible for the site manager to keep track of everyone.

A security guard’s constant presence clears the property. They also keep a log, restrict access to pre-approved workers, and ensure no unwanted guests enter after hours to cause problems.

#3 Safety Is Easier With Someone to Enforce Procedures and Policies

Construction sites overflow with safety concerns, from dangerous equipment to high buildings and workers. Accidents are bound to happen. But when educated and trained about safety policies, a security guard service patrols the site to ensure all workers follow the proper guidelines.

Security service companies also emphasize first aid training, so an on-site guard could help treat or stabilize an injured worker until help arrives.

#4 Stopping Vandalism Protects All Parties

An empty construction site beckons bored teenagers and adults for everything from unwanted graffiti to damaged equipment or materials. Unsupervised vandals suffer no consequences for destroying your assets or hard work. But a qualified guard on-site can prevent trespassers and disgruntled employees from causing damages that hurt your bottom line and productivity.

#5 Solid Security Can Resolve Conflict Fast

Sometimes, conflicts break out at the construction site. While most workers are responsible, these fights or distractions can damage property or injure your employees. With a security guard patrolling during work hours, a professional and objective channel is available to address and resolve any serious conflicts before they escalate.

#6 Trained Security Personnel Expertly Handle Emergencies

When an emergency arises, a level-headed, well-trained professional can mitigate injury and stabilize the situation until first responders arrive. With first aid training, these teams can care for an injured worker or provide emotional and logistical support to the rest of the crew. Security personnel also notice signs of danger, like leaks, structural issues, and suspicious persons, and take measures to mitigate potential problems.

#7 Professional Protection Services Will Reduce Liability On-site

When one of your workers injures themselves, you’re on the hook. Construction sites are full of liability issues that can skyrocket premiums or the frequency of your claims. So, even if an insurance policy doesn’t include security requirements, taking extra precautions could lower premiums as your proactive measures give insurers confidence. 

When an insurance provider sees you employ security guards, they’ll be more prone to show you a wider range of affordable options. That same security guard service will also keep detailed reports about security and safety issues. When an incident occurs, an insurance agent can use your reports to reduce liability or prove you’re not at fault for the accident. 

The reports also aid law enforcement in finding and prosecuting any offenders.

#8 Guards Patrol the Property As An Extra Set of Eyes

In addition to managing a guard booth at your site’s entrances, a security guard can patrol the site regularly, confirming nothing is out of place or at risk of damage. Even if your property is extensive, security services can utilize mobile aids, such as cars, ATVs, or motorcycles, to efficiently monitor the area.

Patrolling the area yourself is possible, but why set aside other obligations? Your time is money; save it by hiring a competent service to do the legwork.

#9 Hiring Security Services Will Save You Time and Money

Are you hesitant to spend money on security guards? It’s a considerable expense that can tighten an already strict budget. But compare the cost of security services to the value of a single piece of heavy-duty equipment, and you might feel differently.

One Final Reason to Hire On-site Security

Hiring a security force is an investment. But it pays dividends. If you would only operate with insurance, why would you want to work without the reassurance of competent and professional security personnel?

The right security team helps you avoid paying tens of thousands in damaged or stolen property, injured workers, and a wide range of other issues facing today’s construction site projects, big or small.

Additional Read: Maintaining Safe School Environments with Security Guards

Call Stark Security Inc. for All Your Security Needs

Do you want to ensure your construction site is safe and free of damage? Stark Security Inc. would love to tell you more about our security guard service packages, from installing alarms or cameras to providing a wide range of security options.

Let Stark Security Inc. protect your people and property—call 1-877-70STARK (78275) today!

About The Author




With over a decade in law enforcement and 27 years of corporate leadership, the founder of Stark Security, Brandon Sartor, and the employees uphold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, compassion, and professionalism.

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