How Security Measures Can Safeguard Your Dispensary from Theft and Robbery

Article At A Glance

  • Security measures like alarms, video surveillance, and trained guards can deter thieves.
  • Implementing access control limits entry to dispensary areas using key cards or biometric scanners.
  • Secure your dispensary by locking doors, reducing cash on hand, and taking regular inventory checks.

Dispensary theft is not uncommon. As long as they are cash-only businesses, dispensaries will invite ambitious thieves to try to take advantage of poor security systems. Using measures like alarms, video surveillance, and trained security guards from Stark Security Inc. in Chicago, IL, can protect your business and save you money in the long run.

A comprehensive security plan, including security guards, is the best way to protect your business. This post will discuss types of security threats and steps you can take to ensure your dispensary is safe for both you and your customers.

Types of Security Threats Within a Dispensary

To fully protect your business, you need to consider all ways a criminal could infiltrate and steal from you:

  • Physical theft is not as common as you might think, but it could cost you thousands if you don’t have security measures in place. 
  • Shoplifting is a common problem, as thrill-seeking rascals try to get away with stuffing a pre-roll or a bud in their pocket without getting caught. 
  • Though you hope to hire employees you can trust, internal theft is extremely common in dispensaries, with both inventory and cash.
  • An often overlooked security breach is cybertheft, where a hacker accesses your customer database and steals information to use to their advantage. 

Security requirements vary from state to state. Some require armed security guards, and others require a solid insurance policy. 

Create a Security Plan for Your Dispensary

Protect your business with a safety plan, including professional security guards, as well as other measures.

Secure Delivery Vehicles

Security measures include protecting delivery drivers. Secure delivery vehicles protect your product and your employees. All products out for delivery should go inside a lock box or other secure container before leaving the premises, and delivery personnel should never leave the vehicle unlocked. 

Quality Lighting Options

Bright lighting is a simple way to deter thieves. If there’s no dark corner to hide in, they are less likely to attempt a robbery. Several types of lighting can help boost safety, including:

  • Outdoor Lighting: A well-lit parking lot boosts safety for you and your customers. High-intensity discharge, or HID, lighting is an excellent choice for a parking lot or other large space because of its level of brightness and large coverage area.
  • Exterior Lighting: Lighting the way to your dispensary, including sidewalks and entryways, can prevent falling and boost safety.
  • Motion-Activated Lighting: A classic choice in the security industry, motion-activated lights switch on when someone enters a certain area. When connected to an alarm system, they are a great way to deter criminals, although raccoons and other wildlife often trip the motion sensors as well.

High-Quality Video Surveillance

Paired with good lighting, video surveillance will help you identify suspects after a robbery. While there are low-quality options available, what’s the point of investing in video surveillance if it does you no good when you get robbed? You should:

  • Choose 4k: High-resolution cameras will not only show you a clear image of the thief, but you may get other details like identifying features or even a license plate number.
  • Keep Them Running: Your cameras should run day and night, working well even in low light.
  • Protect Your Investment: For the best video security, make sure your cameras are weatherproof. You don’t want a rainstorm to render your cameras useless. In addition to weather, make sure your cameras can handle attempted destruction from would-be criminals.

Install Secure Windows

Glass windows are easy to break and allow criminals to easily dash in, steal your inventory, and dash out before the authorities arrive. Opt for more secure window options such as:

  • Polycarbonate: It looks like glass, but it’s made of acrylics and other plastic materials. It is almost completely smashproof, making it the most secure choice, but also the most expensive.
  • Security Film: If you don’t have the budget to replace existing windows, installing security film on the inside of the glass will keep it from shattering if someone tries to smash through the window. You will still have to deal with the replacement costs of a smashed pane of glass, but you are less likely to experience a robbery.
  • Safety Glass: Safety glass is a middle-of-the-road option. The windows are made up of two glass panes with a safety thermoplastic layer inside. It is remarkably strong in the face of an attempted break-in.

Don’t Forget to Take Simple Measures

Even with professional security guard services, you can’t neglect security basics. Your dispensary security plan should start with the small stuff. Determined criminals will look for weak spots in your security measures, so you should do the following: 

  • It should go without saying, but lock all doors. You don’t want to lose money over such a small solution.
  • Don’t keep a ton of cash on hand. Go to the bank every day to reduce significant money loss if you are the victim of an armed robbery. 
  • Take inventory regularly. It’s the best way to identify internal theft as soon as possible. 

Benefits of Hiring Professional Security Guards

Trained security guards remind both staff and customers that their eyes are always on them. When you hire a professional security company, you work with certified guards who know what to do in an emergency. The best security guards are personable, working as a team with the store employees if a security problem arises. 

Security guard services give your dispensary a more professional feel. Your customers will feel like they’re shopping in a reputable store that has their best interest in mind.

Additional Read: Why You Need to Hire a Security Guard for a Construction Site

Protect Your Profits with Professional Security Personnel

Your business is your livelihood, and you want to do all you can to protect it. Taking measures like installing video surveillance, proper lighting, and secure windows will give you peace of mind. If your store falls victim to an armed robbery, having trained security guards present will reduce the amount of product and cash lost.

Accidents will happen, but when you work with Stark Security Inc. in Chicago, IL, we do everything we can to keep your business safe. Fill out our online contact form, or call 1-877-70STARK (78275) or 773-455-1220.

About The Author




With over a decade in law enforcement and 27 years of corporate leadership, the founder of Stark Security, Brandon Sartor, and the employees uphold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, compassion, and professionalism.

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